Hostel Hello, Dushanbe! i Dushanbe

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5 Proyezd Nisora Mukhammada 4/1, Dushanbe 734024, Tajikistan
Kontakter telefon: +992 50 200 0005
Latitude: 38.5660061, Longitude: 68.8138456
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Kommentar 5

  • Kamran AKhtar

    Kamran AKhtar


    Away home a place like home. Hospitality, cleanliness, rooms, bath rooms, dinning area and laundry service is very good.

  • Zayniddin Karimov

    Zayniddin Karimov


    Nice place and location, clean and good service

  • Mohamed Mubarak

    Mohamed Mubarak


    The histel is very good and in the city center. The private room is amazing.

  • Dhruva Mani

    Dhruva Mani


    It is a good place to stay with limited fund. 100% Value of money earned.

  • Erinn Murray

    Erinn Murray


    Such nice rooms! Feels like another planet after the Pamirs. Staff was a little sketchy though. Tried upping the price on our friends' room, and sent us with another staff member when we asked them to call us a cab and we ended up paying about 6 times the normal fare....

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