Mazza Cafe i Dushanbe

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32, Rudaki Avenue, Dushanbe, TJ Tajikistan
Kontakter telefon: +992
Latitude: 38.5687835, Longitude: 68.7926531
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Kommentar 5

  • Dmitry Kotovodov

    Dmitry Kotovodov


    Дёшево, вкусно, не аутентично:-) по стилистике напоминает американскую бургерную. Очень позитивный и отзывчивый персонал.

  • Бахтиёр Джалилов

    Бахтиёр Джалилов


    Хороший кофе!!

  • АминаФара Рус

    АминаФара Рус


    Офигенные бургеры и паста, чизкейки и вообще десерты. Зерновой кофе - это плюс. Цены приемлемые, обстановка уютная... Персонал - общительный и весёлый. Вай-фай, ребята))) с норм скоростью. Чисто. Я б там пожила.

  • parvina gulyamova

    parvina gulyamova


    Lovely place in the centre of the city, where you can enjoy nice music inside of the cafe and fantastic atmosphere of the city outside. The deserts are good as well as coffee and teas. I like a lot truffles 😍😍😍. They are amazing and I am never bored to eat them. Not far from The Opera and Ballet and located on Rudaki Avenue. Staff and service are good.

  • Barakatullo Ashurov

    Barakatullo Ashurov


    This is a wonderful café and sandwich shop delivering the best products and service. Coffee - original Starbucks and sandwiches are Subway style. The New Maza Caffè interior- design is fabulous displaying the Fashion photography. Recommend this venue without any reservation.

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