Hyatt Regency Dushanbe i Dushanbe

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26/1, Ismoil Somoni Avenue, 734026, Dushanbe, TJ Tajikistan
Kontakter telefon: +992 48 702 1234
Latitude: 38.582547, Longitude: 68.767016
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Kommentar 5

  • Rodion Kovalchuk

    Rodion Kovalchuk


    The most affordable Hyatt in post USSR countries. Price-low /quality-high ratio is very rare but here you can catch it.

  • John Creswell

    John Creswell


    One of the nicest hotels in Dushanbe with good views of the flag pole. Good health club. The lounge was not serving happy hour when I was there but the bar offered free food and drinks to Club guests in lieu.

  • Heiti Mäemees

    Heiti Mäemees


    Otherwize good hotel. Clean and helpful staff. Some flaws.. like no toilet brush in the rõõm toilets available. Windows are not very clean for otherwize nice views. Breakfast selection too limited for longer stay.

  • Andy Perez

    Andy Perez


    Excellent all around... except they need to create an indoor or covered/heated smoking zone in order to make the minority happy as well.

  • Shivani Kharel

    Shivani Kharel


    Pros: great service and staff, clean and modern building next to the tea house. Food at the bar is good! View from the hotel of the mountains are amazing to wake up to! Cons: cafe food was okay, The hotel is a bit isolated from central Dushanbe.

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